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tu te réveilles ce matin le ventre contre une pierre, installation view, Graduation Exhibition Institute Art Gender Nature, Kunsthaus Baselland, 2022 [photo credits: Christian Knörr]

tu te réveilles ce matin le ventre contre une pierre [you wake up this morning your belly against a stone] is a performance combining sound, text, light and a slug-critter costume. As the soundtrack evolves, the slug starts moving and sheds its skins. Interested in processes of mutation and in-between states, Wren Cellier reflects here especially on dormancy and questions the boundaries between animate and inanimate.


tu te réveilles ce matin le ventre contre une pierre, performance, text, soundtrack, loudspeakers, orange lighting, fabrics, wood, plastic, metal hooks, 19min, 2022 [photo credits: Christoph Bühler]

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